Starbucks employee orders police officers to leave their shop after a customer complains about their safety

A group of officers and veterans were going to enjoy their coffee at a nearby Starbucks after making their orders. But, as they were about to sit down, an employee arrived and asked them to leave due to a bizarre complaint from a client.

At a Starbucks in Tempe, Arizona, sentiments take precedence over facts and logic. Surprisingly, the staff of this coffee industry think that being outraged at the time justifies depriving others of their rights. Worryingly, they are unaware of how harmful it may be.

A group of police officers arrived at the local Starbucks coffee shop before their duty began. They were collecting the brew when they were abruptly approached by a barista who looked worried about them. They recognized they were no longer welcome at that point.

According to FOX News, employees of the Starbucks didn’t want to serve five police officers, including many veterans, after a client complained that they «did not feel comfortable» with policemen there. Surprisingly, the barista gave the authorities two options: get out of the way of the unhappy customer or leave.

Despite having just bought their beverages and standing towards the front of the establishment, the police elected to walk out, feeling unwanted and maligned. This episode shows once again that it has become more socially acceptable in recent years to make fun of and treat police officers badly.

The president of the police union, Sgt. Robert Ferraro, said that this kind of thing is happening more often now that anti-police propaganda is all over the mainstream media. Sadly, many feel they should be free to exclude police officers from society while still expecting them to risk their lives for them.

«People started to not trust or see police and think that we’re not here to serve you, and again, it goes back to—we take immense pleasure in the level of customer service we can provide citizens, and to be glanced at as feeling insecure when police forces are around you is somewhat puzzling to me,» Ferraro told the station over the phone.

When the public learnt about the cops’ treatment, there was a massive outcry. Starbucks chose to address the problem only after widespread public anger.

«We have a great deal of respect for the Tempe Police Department and their dedication to the community,» said spokesman Reggie Borges. «We have contacted the Tempe Police Department and the Tempe Officers Association to further understand what occurred and to apologize.» » We want everyone to feel accepted in our shops, and the scenario described is not representative of how we want any of our customers to feel in our stores.»

Borges added that Starbucks wants everyone, including law enforcement officials, to feel at ease in their locations. He did not, however, specify whether the person at issue would face disciplinary action or re-education. Starbucks closed almost 8,000 stores in 2018 to do «racial bias training» after two black customers said a manager was racist.

Starbucks said that Rossann Williams, Executive Vice President and President of US Retail, will meet with Tempe Chief of Police Sylvia Moir to address the incident. Williams said the worker was wrong to ask the police to move or leave, and he apologized for how the situation was handled.

«When the cops entered the shop and a consumer expressed worry about their presence, our partners should have greeted them and handled them with decency and respect» (employees). Instead, they were treated with hostility and disdain, which is simply wrong, «Williams wrote.»

Tempe Police are presently working with Starbucks to resolve the matter. However, it seems that the coffee firm did not answer until they saw the significant response that ensued, causing some to believe that they were merely attempting to perform damage control.

Police personnel are continually berated and shunned despite risking their lives to serve their communities. Unfortunately, the wrong and unreasonable feelings of a small group are being allowed to turn into mob rule, making the people behind the uniforms look like the bad guys.

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