What does a granny who hasn’t bathed or clipped her hair in 64 years look like today?

No way?! How could she have done this?

Nguyen Thi Dinh, a beautiful grandma from Vietnam, is already 83 years old, and she hasn’t cut her hair in 64 years. During this time, they grew into a 6-meter-long spit.

A woman claims she went to the hairdresser for the first time when she was 19 years old. It wasn’t until after the haircut that she began experiencing acute and unexplainable headaches. Doctors couldn’t figure out what was wrong with the young girl, and treatment didn’t help.

Only after the hair grew back did the pain stop completely on its own. Thi Dinh has decided not to trim her hair since then. She still took care of her hair at first, but contact with water caused her head to hurt again, making it impossible to wash her hair.

The woman braided the regrown strands into a dreadlock braid, which she still wears today.

Thi Dinh now resides at a temple in his hometown. Tourists come here specifically to witness the 6-meter spit. By the way, a woman’s hair is much longer in real life, but it cannot be unraveled.

Thi Dinh’s hair has long been gray, yet the «oldest» part of her braid has remained dark. The elderly lady enjoys inspecting her braid, claiming that it reminds her of her carefree youth.

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