Baby is the largest-looking girl among her classmates. Check Out Her New Look…

Today, we’ll talk about a girl who, at the age of four, has already set a record for something, despite the fact that the record in question is unusual.

The truth is that Chahat Kumar, an Indian, is significantly heavier than average.
Her weight was nearly 20 kg when she was only 8 months old!

She was born without any abnormalities and was thought to be a typical infant until the age of four months.

However, she began making persistent demands for food, and if she was not given any, she began throwing tantrums.

According to the findings of her medical exam, she weighs the same as two or even three newborns her age.

As it turns out, there are still exceptions to the rule, and the child’s voracious appetite does not represent the norm.

This is a hereditary condition that affects only a small percentage of the world’s population.

Chahat’s parents, on the other hand, are unconcerned about the heiress because they believe that her healthy appetite is preferable to the alternative of her completely rejecting food.

Kumar is already four years old, but she continues to gain weight despite the fact that she eats whatever she wants.

On the other hand, it has no negative effects on the body at all.

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