She lost 352 pounds and now looks like this!

Nikki Weber, from the United States, is only 34 years old, but she has gained a significant amount of weight since she was a child due to mindless eating of sweets and fatty foods.

After the girl reached her adolescent years, she realized she needed to lose weight and tried several diet plans.

But every time she hit rock bottom, she gorged herself on sugary and greasy foods.

She had an epiphany when she reached 650 pounds and realized that something needed to be changed in her life.

Nikki could no longer walk or get out of bed without the assistance of another person, so she moved in with her parents.

Her mother did not see her daughter’s problem as a global one, and she made no attempt to steer her daughter toward a healthier lifestyle.

They even created a one-of-a-kind device to deliver food to her on the second floor, where she was staying.

A program called «My Whole 661 Pounds» provided a solution. Nikki has been invited to participate in the program.

The program assists overweight people and encourages them to achieve their weight loss goals.

The young lady underwent stomach reduction surgery, and nutritionists worked with her to create a personalized eating plan.

Nikki was very concerned, and she had doubts about whether or not she would be able to control herself and succeed; however, her concerns were unfounded.

She was able to gather herself and triumph over all of her fears. She lost 198 pounds as a result of the surgery.

Nikki lost a total of 352 pounds and then underwent a second procedure to remove unwanted sagging skin, which weighed up to 55 pounds in total.

Nikki currently weighs 198 pounds, but she has no plans to stay that way because she stays active and walks a lot every day.

Nikki still finds it difficult to believe that she has successfully shed all of her excess weight and transformed into a stunning woman who lives a normal life.

Nikki first became acquainted with her future husband, Marcus, in the gym. They were instantly smitten with one another and fell in love.

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