In sign language, a waitress sings Happy Birthday to a ‘hearing-impaired’ boy…

Two servers at Murfreesboro Texas Roadhouse helped make a little boy’s birthday extra special by not only wishing him a happy birthday but also singing it to him.

Waitresses Sing Happy Birthday To Deaf Boy In Sign Language After Learning  On Youtube - LADbible

Octavius Mitchell Jr. was born deaf, and his mother and uncle surprised him on his fourth birthday.

A group of waiters and waitresses threw him a restaurant birthday party and saddled him. However, the two servers returned to her table and enhanced the experience. His mother was overjoyed when they finished wishing Octavius a happy birthday.

Deaf Boy Ecstatic As Waitresses Sign Happy Birthday Song To Him - Tyla

«Everyone thinks we’re crazy when we come out to chat and sign,» Shatika Dixon said. So it’s very important to me that someone notices that and makes it special just for them, my child.»

«As a server, I want you to be able to enter; I want you to be like, «Oh, this is my house!» I belong here,» White said.

Servers Surprise 'Hearing Impaired' Boy With 'Happy Birthday' Song In Sign  Language | God TV News

The entire night, according to Octavius’ mother, was wonderful and memorable, and it was the first time he had signed a contract with other people.

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