When the girl determined to lose weight, she transformed into a completely different person.

Some people change so drastically when they decide to get their act together and lose weight that they are no longer the same person. It happened to Luna, a girl who had been overweight her entire life.

Luna has had dietary issues since puberty. She gained weight very quickly, making her physique appear unflattering. But she realized she didn’t want to stay that way and pulled herself together.

The girl stated that she no longer fit in. Luna stated that she did not use a doctor or a cosmetic expert to assist her in losing weight. Her new body is the result of what she eats and how much she exercises.

Now Luna can finally wear clothes that hug her body, like tops and short skirts.
Before, 90% of her closet was made up of loose sweaters and wide pants,
which helped her hide her figure flaws.

Internet fans applauded the girl for her new look and praised her for her determination.

“You are so cool,” “I’m afraid to think about how hard it must have been
for you,” “Pretty woman, she’s gotten so thin.”

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