A “hero heart” of a generous donor gives an ill 2-year-old a second chance at life.

While one family was struggling with unthinkable grief, another family’s expectations for a bright future for their kid were rekindled.

Wyatt Lowe of Bedford County, Virginia, has spent the last two years in and out of the hospital. The toddler was born with several medical abnormalities, including a complicated heart, congenital heart disease, a missing spleen, and internal organ irregularities.

He’s already had five open-heart surgeries, but despite the pain and trauma, his brilliant smile brightens each place he’s in!

Katie Lowe, Wyatt’s mother, has kept people updated on her Warriors for Baby Wyatt Facebook page. His plight became so dire this summer that his family feared the worst. He was on dialysis owing to heart failure, and a heart transplant was the only way to rescue him. The family begged for a miracle as they watched their son becoming ill by the day.

One evening, shortly before 10 p.m., the family received the news they had been waiting for: they had located a donor for Wyatt!

The next morning, Wyatt underwent surgery to get his new “hero heart.” As his mother sat by his bedside that evening, she was overtaken with emotion as she listened to her son’s heart beat on its own within his chest.

“It was the ideal match,” she explained on Facebook. “He’s also off the bypass.” They will now watch him in the operating room for a few hours to check that there is no bleeding and that his heart is still functioning normally. “All praise to God.”

“Thank you to the Donor family, I have had you on my mind all day,” Katie said. “In your time of sorrow, your selfless act of giving the gift of life.” I sincerely apologize. Please know that I will think of you and the great gift you have given us every day. We shall carry your hero with us, and I will battle for them. “Your hero is now beating within me.”

Wyatt’s condition has steadily improved since his operation. He was taken off dialysis and is being gradually weaned off of the ventilator and fluids. While he is not quite out of the woods, his prognosis is promising, and his care team is optimistic!

The family is keenly aware that Wyatt’s recovery wouldn’t have been possible without the selfless act of organ donation.

“I can never thank them enough for giving my son another chance at life in their darkest moments,” Katie wrote. “My mama’s heart is shattered for that family. Thank you for saying yes in your time of need.”

This sweet boy and his family have been through so much! We extend our heartfelt thanks to his organ donor and convey our best wishes to everyone concerned as they go forward.

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