For those seeking a refreshing sleep, the woodland inhabitants in a Southern California community have found their go-to source. LouAnne Brickhouse, a dedicated animal enthusiast, has spent more than ten years tending to and observing the wildlife on her land. She has discovered a special method to ensure a particular four-legged creature feels comfortable and at home.
Several years back, a trail camera managed to capture a single female coyote napping on Brickhouse’s rear deck. She automatically knew to leave the wild girl alone, but she thought the coyote might enjoy some company, so she set out some dog toys for her.
Stevie, the coyote she had taken in, quickly developed a fondness for her toys. She made sure to visit them every day for a cozy snuggle.
Brickhouse was thrilled to see Stevie enjoying the stuffies just as she had anticipated. Cameras were strategically placed around her yard, capturing Stevie’s preferred sleeping areas. Stevie was often seen on the deck cuddled up with multiple toys in each clip.
Brickhouse was taken aback when the wild animal started treating the stuffed animals better than her dogs.
“Unlike our dogs, she has never ripped the [stuffie], and she never takes it with her,” Brickhouse wrote on her wildlife Instagram account, The Daily James. “You can always find it on the balcony.”
Among the many animals she watched in her yard, none brought Brickhouse as much happiness as Stevie and her cherished stuffed animals. Observing from a safe distance, Brickhouse found joy in watching Stevie snuggle up with her beloved toys. She loved delighting Stevie with fresh surprises.
Over time, Stevie began appearing on the balcony accompanied by a male coyote, who was given the name Jack by Brickhouse. The pair of coyotes, who are committed to each other for life, became inseparable. Stevie wasted no time in revealing her hidden collection of stuffed animals.
Stevie’s afternoon naps have evolved from cuddling with her toys to snuggling with Jack, while still making sure her plushies are within reach.
Stevie and Jack are still relishing their afternoon naps with their favorite stuffed animals on Brickhouse’s property. Even though their daily lives as wild coyotes may be hard, they feel better knowing they have a caring friend who will always be there for them.
The Daily James wrote on Instagram, “We don’t talk to her because we don’t want her to get used to people or trust them, but we love knowing she’s up there, safe enough to rest.”