Children have a talent for saying the most amusing things, don’t they? They are brimming with countless (and often valuable) questions, occasionally leaving adults perplexed and even uncertain about how to answer. As a former kindergarten teacher, whenever curious little minds approached me with their adorable questions, I would often respond with something like, “That’s an excellent question; let’s go on a journey of finding the answer together.” It often took us on an adventure to find the answer. There might not have been time for that, so they might have had extra tasks where they had to find an answer and let me know (wink, wink).
As Easter approaches, and we reflect on the profound story of Jesus’ life, death, and the resurrection on Sunday, it’s natural for children to be curious and have questions. Even adults will find it hard to understand because it is the most important event in history and has some pretty difficult circumstances.
So, what’s the best way to tackle this? How can we effectively address these heartfelt questions about the Easter story, even though they can be quite challenging to comprehend? First and foremost, it is crucial to maintain a sense of openness and transparency. If you’re unsure of the answer, that’s perfectly fine. Let’s use it as an opportunity to delve into it together and uncover the truth. Additionally, if you find yourself uncertain about how to respond to their question in a way that is suitable for their age, turn to the Lord and ask for His guidance. Then, delve into His Word to discover His boundless wisdom. Basically, it’s perfectly fine to say, “You know what…I’m not sure, but God definitely has the answers! So let’s take some time to reflect on it (and you’re welcome to join me in reflection), and then we can discuss it later tonight or tomorrow.”
Now, let’s dive right in and explore some of the most common questions about Easter that often arise in the minds of curious young people. We’ll provide simple yet meaningful answers to satisfy their curiosity. Whether the questions are sincere or humorous, as parents, it presents a wonderful chance to connect with your children!
1. Why Did Jesus Have to Die?
I find this question to be quite thought-provoking and worthy of discussion, particularly during the Easter season. As parents, it’s important to have open conversations with our children about the reality of living in an imperfect world and the mistakes we make that may not align with our values and beliefs. It’s important to acknowledge that we all make mistakes and sometimes say or do things that may upset God. Let’s explore the reason behind Jesus’ arrival on Earth. He came in human form. He came to declare He is God, to offer us hope and a better way to live. However, this situation caused confusion among a lot of people. They just couldn’t grasp it. So, they arrested Him and were very mean, eventually putting Him on a cross to die (Matthew 26: 47-56). Although it was a heartbreaking situation, it’s important to remember that everything happens for a reason. In this case, it was part of a divine plan that allows us to have eternal life with God in heaven (John 3:16). Jesus died in our place to cover all our sins.
2. The Fascinating Tradition of Hiding and Decorating Eggs
Centuries ago, Christians embraced a special tradition initiated by a German priest named Martin Luther. In the late 16th century, Luther organized delightful egg hunts at his church, bringing joy to women and children. The egg represented the empty tomb.
It was also said that during the 40 days leading up to Jesus’ crucifixion—commonly referred to as Lent—eggs were not allowed to eat. At the conclusion of that period, it was common for people to decorate eggs as a way to mark the end of Lent. These eggs were often dyed in red, symbolizing the sacrifice of Jesus on the cross.
3. Why Isn’t Jesus Still Here if He’s Alive?
Before Jesus died on the cross, He told His disciples that He wouldn’t be with them much longer (John 7:33). He took the time to explain to them that by the power of the Holy Spirit, He would continue to dwell within them (2 Corinthians 1:22). When we say we believe in Jesus, we can also have that gift!
After completing His mission on Earth, Jesus has ascended to heaven and is now seated beside the Father (Luke 1:26-33). However, He has assured us that He will come back in the future. And that is definitely something worth getting excited about!
4. How Heavy Was the Stone at the Tomb?
Encourage them to reflect on someone they consider to be incredibly strong, such as a father or grandfather. It’s interesting to consider why the stone may have been too heavy for them to roll away (Matthew 27:60). According to the biblical account, a heavenly angel descended and miraculously moved the stone blocking the entrance (Matthew 28:2). Angels are incredible beings, created by God with extraordinary powers and abilities. It must have been a breeze for an angel, but an immense challenge for an ordinary person or even the strongest person!
5. The Reason Behind Jesus’ Three-Day Wait Before Rising Again
It’s important to remember that God’s ways are beyond our understanding and far superior to our own (Isaiah 55:8-9). Exploring the depths of God’s Word can offer us insights into the patterns and potential reasons behind His actions, even if we cannot fully comprehend the nature of God during our time on Earth. In the Bible, there are numerous instances where certain numbers are repeated, emphasizing the divine nature and perfection of God. The number three holds a special significance, just like the divine concept of the Holy Trinity, where God is represented as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit (Matthew 28:19). This could be a possible reason for the three days to rise again.
6. Where Does the Easter Bunny Live?
This question always makes me smile because it is so sweet and cute. I can’t help but find the innocence behind it amusing, but I always respond to it with a serious expression on my face. I tell them that most bunnies like to live in the woods, in small holes they dig in the ground. It’s interesting to think about where the Easter Bunny might spend most of the year – perhaps in its cozy burrow. On the other hand, we can think about how Jesus was hidden in a tomb for three days and then came out. We are overjoyed that he is alive, and it is definitely a cause for celebration! I think The Easter Bunny also likes to show up at Easter to celebrate Jesus.
7. What Does Resurrection Mean?
As followers of Jesus, this message fills us with immense hope! It tells us that Jesus was raised up from the dead. It’s a great chance to talk about a cherished person who is no longer with us. You can talk about and explain how this word gives us hope that we will see our loved ones again and be with them again in heaven. Feel free to delve into the concept of death and how it can be perceived as daunting. However, when we have receive Jesus as our Savior, we can find comfort in the knowledge that upon death, we are granted a new body that is free from pain, sin, and is eternal in nature. Thank God for that!
7. Exploring the Purpose of Jesus’ Crucifixion
People who were thieves or broke Roman law were put on a cross to die for their sins when Jesus was alive. It was depressing and shameful. Yet, this crucifixion was a prevalent method of punishment designed to humiliate and mock people who were found guilty of a crime or made an unlawful decision. When the Roman soldiers believed that Jesus was stirring up trouble and making claims about being “the Messiah,” they saw crucifixion as a fitting method of execution.
However, for Christians, the cross carries a profound significance. Many individuals choose to wear a cross as a personal accessory, whether as a necklace or a ring, and some even decorate their homes with crosses as a symbol of Jesus’ sacrifice for them. Jesus sacrificed himself for all of humanity, including you. When we come across a cross, it serves as a powerful reminder to express gratitude to Jesus for His selfless sacrifice.
As I conclude, I hope that these questions (and similar ones) create opportunities for heartfelt conversations about Jesus with your child. May it inspire a deeper understanding of Christ’s love and the complex emotions we experience during this Easter season.