A tragic incident occurred on a US highway, where a woman’s life was lost in a head-on collision. It is a stark reminder of the dangers of distracted driving and the need for increased awareness on the roads.
At 8:33 on Thursday morning, Courtney Sanford, a 32-year-old woman, shared a post on her Facebook page expressing her joy and happiness brought by a particular song. Police were contacted about a crash at 8:34 in the morning.
According to the officers, Ms. Sanford was driving by herself when her car veered into the opposite lane, crashed into a recycling truck, and burst into flames, which resulted in the other vehicle being forced off the road.
As she made her way down Interstate 85 in North Carolina on her commute to work, the police confirmed that her speed, use of drugs, or alcohol did not contribute to the crash.
The Facebook link wasn’t made public until this past weekend, when Ms. Sanford’s acquaintances reported to the police that several of her online posts seemed to have been made around the same time as the actual incident.
According to WGHP TV, Lt. Chris Weisner, a spokeswoman for the High Point Police Department, said that the accident was a real-life “public service announcement” of what happens when you text and drive.
According to Lt. Weisner, it seems that Ms. Sanford was busy taking selfies on the highway. This can be seen from her social media accounts, as well as the status update she sent right before the collision.
It’s truly heartbreaking how quickly a life can be taken away, all for the sake of sharing a moment of happiness with friends. “It’s just not worth it,” he said.
It’s a rather sobering reminder for everyone to stay vigilant while driving.
The cops say that 73-year-old John Wallace Thompson was driving the truck and was not hurt.