This couple made the courageous decision to carry their baby to term, despite knowing he would face challenges due to a ‘deformity.’ Check him out now.
Expecting parents have so much to look forward to!
There are plenty of concerns on their minds. While it’s essential to maintain a positive outlook, being ready for the unexpected is equally important.
It’s a common hope among parents that their little ones will arrive in this world healthy and free from any complications. A young couple was filled with excitement as they eagerly anticipated the arrival of their precious baby.
Brody, their new baby, was set to be unique in ways they couldn’t yet imagine, but the true extent of his differences would only reveal themselves once he arrived.
During the 24-week ultrasound, the news came that Brody was diagnosed with a bilateral cleft lip and palate. Their baby was expected to be born with this deformation, which could lead to additional health issues stemming from it. The doctor even asked whether they wished to keep the baby or explore other possibilities.
The young couple was certain about their decision to keep their baby. They were unfazed by his appearance and were fully prepared to offer any medical assistance he might require if he faced additional health issues after his arrival.
They aimed to transform perceptions surrounding babies and children with deformities and birth defects, embracing their little one with unconditional love, regardless of any challenges. It was clear as day that they were going to hold onto him.
Brody’s mom, Sara, shared her thoughts;
“Feeling proud of your baby is completely natural, regardless of the situation. We aimed to transform the way ultrasound, newborn, and first-year photos appeared on our Facebook and Instagram accounts. Our goal is to raise awareness about cleft lips and palates.”
Cleft lips and palates are prevalent birth defects that arise when specific tissues fail to form or fuse properly.
This defect can pose challenges for the baby when it comes to eating, drinking, smiling, and even breathing. If surgery isn’t performed, the child may face significant challenges in speaking as they grow older and may struggle to lead a typical life. Many parents opt for surgery to address clefts, aiming to support their babies in leading normal lives.
Sara and her partner, Chris, couldn’t help but beam with pride over their baby boy. Like many parents, they loved sharing adorable photos of him on their social media pages. They were met with an incredible wave of kindness and support. Naturally, there were those who remained intrigued by his condition. Several individuals reached out to Sara, asking about the condition of the baby’s face.
Sara felt a wave of frustration wash over her with those questions, but she turned that moment into a chance to shed light on her son’s condition. Her hope was that by sharing this knowledge, she could help others understand better and perhaps steer clear of such questions in the future.
She mentioned: “I chose to educate instead of sparking a confrontation, as I hope Brody will follow this example in the future. I hope he can take on the role of an educator and advocate for younger kids with clefts who are still finding their voices.”
Sara shared that they have experienced some truly amazing acts of kindness. She recounted an experience where she and a friend were enjoying dinner with the baby when a waiter approached them with a folded piece of paper. To my surprise, nestled inside was a check for $1,000. It said, “for the beautiful baby.”
Sara and Chris decided to use the funds to cover some of Brody’s medical expenses, ensuring he could get the surgery necessary to repair his lip.
Last year, Brody had his lip repair surgery. He is on the mend, and although he may face a few more surgeries down the line, he remains a cheerful little boy.
Sara mentioned:
“This experience has truly highlighted the incredible strength of the cleft community. We’ve received questions from individuals across the nation. They are sending their prayers our way and encouraging us to reach out if we need any support.”
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