I Was Absolutely Speechless When I Found Out Where My Husband Spent His Bonus

This year, I was particularly looking forward to my husband’s vacation. And not just because I needed his help around the house. The thing is, once a year, along with his vacation pay, he also receives a substantial bonus.

I had already planned out where that money would go. We desperately needed to fix up the bathroom—our toilet had cracked, and the flush wasn’t working. We also needed to insulate the walls before winter. Our son needed a laptop for school, and in general, we had to get the kids ready for back-to-school season. And of course, I hoped we could at least get away for a weekend, maybe to the Rockies, to relax a bit.

My husband, Mark, knew about all these plans. And then the first day of his vacation arrived, but the money didn’t. I waited, but he just sat in front of the TV without saying a word.

“Where’s your bonus? Where’s the vacation pay?”

“They only gave me $1,000,” he calmly replied.

“And where’s the rest?”

“They didn’t give it. Said it’s because of the economic crisis.”

I was in shock and nearly burst into tears. I couldn’t sleep all night. $3,000 wouldn’t even cover a month’s expenses. For several days, I was down and depressed. Then, I ran into an acquaintance at the farmers’ market—her husband works with mine. I couldn’t help myself and said:

“Can you believe it? They only gave us $1,000!”

“What are you talking about? My husband got $12,000, and we’ve already sent our car in for repairs.”

I was speechless. I rushed home and immediately confronted my husband.

“Where did you put the money? Did you spend it on your mistress?”

“What are you talking about? I told you, they didn’t pay it!”

“You have no shame. I know everything! Where’s the money?”

“Don’t stress. I gave it to my parents. They haven’t traveled anywhere in a long time, and life is short. I wanted them to take a trip to Hawaii and enjoy some time on the beach. And you know how expensive vacations are these days—at least $5,000 per person.”

“Well, Mark, pack your things and go live with your parents.”

“Are you serious? You’d end our marriage over this?”

“You didn’t even consult me, didn’t ask for permission, and then you lied!”

I didn’t want to hear anything else and kicked him out of the house. An hour later, his mom called me.

“You should be happy he respects his parents!”

“And you should understand that your son has a family now, and you shouldn’t be asking him for that kind of money!”

Now I’m not speaking to any of them. My husband is begging for forgiveness, but I just don’t want to. How would you react to something like this?

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