VIDEO: Heroic Neighbor Scares Off Kidnapper and Saves 11-Year-Old Girl

A brave neighbor steps in to save young girl from kidnapping attempt in Los Angeles neighborhood.

God places people in our lives at just the right moment to protect and watch over us. In this story, we see His hand at work through a watchful neighbor who stepped in to protect a young girl from harm.

On October 21, a normal school day turned frightening for an 11-year-old girl walking home from Wilmington Middle School. At 3:15 p.m., near M Street and Gulf Avenue, a man walked up behind her and grabbed her inappropriately.

The Los Angeles Police Department (LAPD) describes the suspect as a White or Hispanic man, likely between 20 and 30 years old, who tried to kidnap the young student.

A local resident named Ivonne saw what was happening and spoke up with courage. “Hey, leave her alone!” she called out. The suspect tried to lie, saying the girl was his niece, but Ivonne knew better. She and her brother tried to follow the man, but he got away in his gray Nissan Kicks car. The police note the car has an unusual feature – a space wheel on its back passenger side.

The LAPD shared more details about the suspect: he stands about 5 feet, 10 inches tall and weighs around 240 pounds. They want to find him for sexual battery and attempted kidnapping.

If you know anything that could help, please call the Harbor Area detectives at 310-726-7900. You can also share information without giving your name through L.A. Regional Crime Stoppers at 1-800-222-TIPS or on their website at

Ivonne has lived in the neighborhood for many years. “I was grateful to be in the right place at the right time to save the girl,” she said.

Ivonne’s quick thinking shows how God uses everyday people to protect those in need. Like the Good Samaritan in the Bible, she didn’t hesitate to help someone in danger.

This incident reminds us to stay watchful and ready to help others in our community. Ivonne’s brave actions show the kind of love and care Jesus calls us to share with our neighbors.

We need to pray for our children’s safety and for those who work to protect them. Please join in prayer for healing for the young girl who went through this scary experience, and for wisdom for the police officers working to catch the person who did this.

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