If you travel a lot online or offline and believe you’ve seen everything, or almost everything, we’re here to surprise you with a wonderful creature.
Learn about the hybrid tiger and lion Apollo, the largest member of the feline family.
Despite his enormous size and weight of more than 300 kilograms, he has a gentle and affectionate demeanor.
And this giant became famous after a walk with animal rights activist and wildlife activist Michael Holston and Cody Antle in a small town in South Carolina.
These shots were posted on YouTube and immediately went viral, spreading throughout the network.
A former football player who became interested in this large cat joked, «Of course, the cat is wonderful, but how much does this 300-kilogram guy eat?»
Mike went on to say that this tiger’s teeth (a cross between a lion and a tiger) are the size of a man’s middle finger, his tongue is the size of his forearm, and its size and weight are twice that of tigers or lions.
Nature is really a powerful phenomenon, even if the hybrids are created by a human being, nature allows them to exist.