When siblings noticed an overturned truck and rushed to help them, they noticed parents with their small child inside..

People are calling a brother and sister heroes because they saved a family with an 11-day-old baby after seeing their SUV flip over in the ocean.

As soon as Aaron Allen and his sister Jolisa Jones saw the automobile roll over, they jumped into action.

«Inside, there was a woman, a man, and their 11-day-old baby,» Aaron recalled. «I immediately considered my kid and what I would do in that case.»

The siblings were driving north on I-75 in an Ashley Furniture delivery van when they saw a white Chrysler hit the couple’s car on the side.

«The car just completely blindsided them, and I’m quite certain they were just as startled as I was,» Aaron explained. «The first thing I could do was take action.»

«I noticed water flowing inside the automobile, which was turned upside down,» Aaron explained. «We attempted to break the windows, but it did not work.» So the only thing that came to me was to flip the automobile over. So I asked my sister to assist me in flipping it over to its side. So, after we flipped it to the side, I took off my shirt, wrapped it around my hand, and used my fist to shatter the windshield off.

After helping the family, Aaron and Jolisa were both injured.

«As my fist came out of the windshield, it snagged the glass and ripped my flesh back in a large chunk,» he explained. «The glass tore into my arm’s tendons.»

Jolisa suffered finger injuries, but they didn’t regret doing it.

«Actually, if I were in that circumstance, I would want someone to come to my rescue.» «I’d like someone to assist me,» Aaron stated.

Thank you for taking action to preserve the lives of a young family! See the video below for additional information!

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