Mariam had no idea that by the age of 40, she would be the mother of 44 children all at once.
She married a 40-year-old man when she was 12 years old.
The girl had no idea why strangers had come to her house or where she had been taken from her father’s family at the end of the day.
Babirye had twins a year after her marriage.
Three years later, triplets were born, followed by quadruplets a year and seven months later.
This came as no surprise to the girl, as many of her family’s female line had twins and triplets on a regular basis.
In December 2016, the girl gave birth to her last child and requested that her uterus be removed because childbirth was becoming increasingly difficult and the body was physically exhausted.
Mariam and her children received no support from her husband.
Babirye had never felt family happiness after 25 years of marriage.
Her husband constantly beat her, returned home drunk, in addition, he never earned and did not provide for his children.
Kids practically do not know their father, because he is rarely at home — about once a year.
Despite her husband’s problems, Mariam considers her family to be her most important asset. It is customary in their traditions to endure and devote oneself to the care of children while waiting for this patience to pay off.
Mariam advises others not to marry young girls for profit in order to avoid ruining their lives and the lives of their future children.