“Perfection is a disease that affects several countries. We apply a substantial amount of cosmetics to our faces.
To achieve the “perfect size,” we subject ourselves to regular Botox treatments as well as extreme calorie restrictions.
We put effort into things that don’t require it at all. And the things that we should be paying attention to in the first place are not getting the attention they deserve.
Do you know what I’m talking about?
It is the essence of who we are. A spirit in severe need of tender loving care and attention. It’s past time to do something about it.
How can you expect someone else to love you if you don’t love yourself? Would you say you’re happy with your appearance now that you’ve changed it? No.
It is critical that you thoroughly comprehend the following concept: it makes no difference how you appear on the outside if you are completely empty of content on the inside.
Today, I’d like to inform everyone that I will no longer tolerate the use of cosmetics. I’m tired of appearing like I’m wearing someone else’s face, therefore I’m not going to wear any more makeup.
It’s time to remove our masks. I am completely aware that I have wrinkles, yet I am curious about them. After all, I am the most authentic version of myself.
I would appreciate it if you could simply accept me for who I am.
Are you aware that false aesthetics rule the world and keep us imprisoned in our own illusions about how we appear?
We are driven to conform to aesthetic canons placed on us, rather than living our lives and following our natural inclinations.
But do you know what?
I’m at my breaking point. I tell myself to keep it there. I challenge each of you to take a moment to reflect on who you truly are and what you truly seek.
Always remember who you are.
Nobody will ever be perfect in terms of looks. A person’s physical look is the least crucial attribute to consider while appraising them.
The only thing that matters is the human spirit.
Keep that in mind at all times.
Words that are both absolutely true and tremendously powerful! Our generation places a high value on one’s outward appearance while ignoring the importance of one’s inner self.
However, we are all aware that everything must be in harmony.