Melissa Servetz has experienced a lot of love throughout her life.
Before finding permanent homes for four siblings, the Florida elementary school teacher, now 45, fostered 60 children over the course of six years.
Servetz adopted Jade, 8, Destiny, 6, Matthew, 4, and Emerson, 2, after learning that their biological mother had engaged in “unsafe things” and made “bad decisions.”
Servetz claims it was simple to decide to adopt the brothers and that they were “meant to be” together.
I frequently wonder what might have happened to them if I hadn’t stepped in to save them, the woman confesses. Despite the fact that my heart aches for them, I am delighted for them since I know they now have a fantastic life.
Servetz’s adoption of 2-year-old Jade as a foster child in May 2016 marked the beginning of their journey to becoming a family.
Soon after, she also adopted Destiny, who was just 16 months old. In December of the following year, Servetz took in both sisters.
She claims that the moment the adoption was finalized, a wave of emotions washed over her. All of the people in the room were sobbing loudly. The attorney who is defending me was in tears. The judge sobbed during the trial.
In June 2018, she learned that the sisters’ biological mother had given birth to a son. Matthew was adopted by Servetz just three days after his birth.
Servetz adopted Matthew in April 2019, and she says he was “born joyous.” “The small jerk tears people’s hearts. He is well-liked by women.
And Emerson came into the world in March of 2020 when he was only a few days old. He was formally adopted in July 2021.
Servetz, who miscarried during her first marriage, thinks having children has changed her for the better.
“You don’t understand how much you can love another human, times four – it’s unconditional, really,” says Servetz, who is currently single.
No matter what the day may hold, Regardless of what they do, I will always adore them. I’ll be there as always to support the cause wholeheartedly.
“I usually have them, but it’s not easy. Every day brings a new day, she adds, “I’ll go on. “We’re going to start this fresh day off well.
For me, that experience was priceless, and I wouldn’t trade it for anything. I don’t have any regrets. Without a doubt, I would repeat the process.
Servetz wants to teach the kids a valuable lesson in life, and Jade has shown interest in becoming a foster parent.
Everyone there, according to her, has a “large heart.” The world is improved by people who have good intentions.
She claims that the kids are “learning how to be good human beings.” Amazingly, “I’m really happy with them.”
Servetz opted to adopt because she wanted to keep the siblings together. Servetz assures them that, even if their natural mother becomes pregnant once more, there will always be a “place for that baby” in her home.
She explains, “I just can’t bring myself to let them go somewhere else. “There’s no doubt in my mind that if I learn there’s another baby out there, I’ll go out of my way to adopt it.
If it gets too much for me, my sister—who has long wanted to adopt—would be pleased to take the child in. The infant may remain with a devoted family.