Clint Eastwood and Johnny Carson : A Talk Show Moment to Remember

Clint Eastwood appeared on ‘The Tonight Show Starring Johnny Carson’. In 1973, Johnny had an interesting guest in the form of Dirty Harry’s gritty action star.

«I’m sorry Ed isn’t here tonight for one reason: we’ve had a running debate about the relative intelligence of the pig and the horse for many years,» Johnny says.

Clint, Johnny suggests, has ridden many horses and may be able to help decide. «Well, from what I’ve heard from farmers, the pig is more intelligent,» Clint says. But I’m not sure, I’m not sure. I’ve never spent too much time with either of them.»

Clint chooses the pig as the more intelligent animal based on what he’s heard, and Johnny agrees. Later, Johnny inquires as to whether Clint had an altercation with a horse.

Clint describes how he had disagreements with a horse but never hit the horse. «It’s always one way,» he says. I’ve done the transmitting, and they’ve done the receiving.»

They discuss Clint’s new film, which is slightly violent. They go over all of Clint’s previous films that contain violence, and Johnny implies that Clint enjoys the violence.

Clint rose to prominence in the Western television series ‘Rawhide.’ During the 1960s, he starred in his own Spaghetti Western series and as antihero cop Harry Callahan in five ‘Dirty Harry’ films. Even during Johnny’s interview, he maintains his tough guy persona.

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