A young seal accidentally scares a polar bear cub… Here’s the cutest video…

A polar bear cub is terrified as a baby seal bursts through ice immediately in front of him in one of the most beautiful animal films ever made. It happened by chance, but the moment was delightfully captured on film, and the Internet can’t handle the sweetness.

A BBC camera crew was present when the incident occurred. The producers were filming for the Snow Bears series. The crew was following a mother polar bear and her two young cubs on their epic journey from the Svalbard islands to the North Pole when they stumbled upon an unexpectedly humorous episode.

As soon as they arrived at the never-ending glacier, the hungry mother began pursuing seals, polar bears’ primary food source, in the hopes that her two kids would learn to hunt as well. The mother bear’s expectations are crushed, however, as one of the cubs fails horribly on her first attempt.

The cub is more eager than ever to capture her own food, but she collapses in terror as a juvenile seal breaches through the ice just in front of her. The tiny one was clearly taken aback.

The BBC finally chose to post the sweet scenario online, and it has now received over 15 million views. They characterized the scene as “a polar bear waits eagerly for a seal, but her cub is taken aback when it emerges suddenly.” Take a look at this:

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