The royal guard went out of their way to greet a four-year-old youngster.

Imogen Scott, an English mother, considered giving her son Marshall a very memorable fourth birthday in 2017.

She took him to Windsor Castle because he was obsessed with the royal guard, and the good guard made the boy’s day even more memorable.

Marshall Scott looked up to the troops of the royal guard. He dressed up before going to Windsor.

own Coldstream Guards suit, which included a red coat and a towering bearskin helmet. Tourists asked if they could take pictures with him since he was so cute.

During the Changing of the Guard event at Windsor Castle, the Scotts witnessed a squadron of guards come inside the guardroom.

The little boy saluted the troops as they passed by.

Marshall appeared to be getting as close to his heroes as possible, but then one of the guardsmen failed.

Marshall saluted him as he shouted out to the child. The guardsman faced Marshall, took a few high steps in place, then turned and entered the guard room.

Evening Standard journalists discovered that Lance Corporal Edden was an excellent guard.

He revealed why he went out of line for the sake of the boy throughout the interview.

‘Normally, I only accompany the soldiers to the guardhouse, but my wife and I are expecting a boy,’ she says.

I recall standing at Edinburgh Castle as a child, hoping to get a picture with a soldier.’

The corporal was also moved by the boy’s guards outfit and expressed his pride in being a soldier.

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