When a 5-year-old tells his mother that he has a ‘identical twin’ at school, she breaks down.

Myles Tankersley, Britney Tankersley’s son, told mom he wanted to match with a classmate for the school’s «Twin Day,» and she was disturbed by the last-minute request. It was 8 p.m., she had no idea who the classmate was, nor did she have his mother’s phone number, and she didn’t have matching clothes for them.

After an hour, she tracked down the other mother, and mother and son proceeded to Walmart to buy shirts for the boys, settling on «Future Leader» button-downs that she described as «the only decent shirts left» in the boys’ sizes.

Tankersley told TODAY, «He went on and on about how they looked exactly the same.» ‘We both have brown eyes and dark hair,’ he said emphatically… So I go to Walmart and I’m upset. This is too late, I think. «I’m getting too old for this.»

When she dropped Myles off at kindergarten that morning, she asked his teacher whether she could send a photo of Myles and his twin. Myles had said that they were identical, and she wanted to see for herself. Her tears were brought on by the photo she received from her teacher.

«I was basically crying because it was so sweet,» she stated. «Obviously, I know they don’t resemble one other at all. But he didn’t notice, you know? I expected to see a picture of another white youngster with pale skin and brown hair or something, but I didn’t. «And I said, ‘That is the sweetest thing in the whole world.'»

She shared the photo on her personal Facebook page, which rapidly received over 200k shares.

«It’s so crazy,» she continued. «My objective is never to be in the spotlight, but I think the message is more important than how much it exploded.»

Myles and Tanner are «the best of buddies,» according to Tankersley, and the families have spent time together since Twin Day because they live just a few minutes apart.

«All the teachers at school are so excited,» she said. «There are always a lot of kids who dress up who don’t look alike, but this was special.» I was put in my place because I was anticipating something completely different, which was not the case.»

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