My Family Doesn’t Let Me Share Any Good News Because of My Sister’s Disability

Living with someone who requires additional assistance can be quite a delicate task. At times, it can be overwhelming when the needs of others overshadow your own. That’s precisely where our reader discovered herself. Her sister, who uses a wheelchair, resides with their parents, and they have always prioritized her sister’s needs. Recently, she couldn’t help but feel that her own life was being placed on hold.

Here’s what she wrote:

“My older sister uses a wheelchair and resides with our parents. We have consistently shown our support for her, and it is understandable that she has received more attention.

However, my life took a complete turn when I moved out. I can’t find anything positive to say about my life at all. Whenever I have exciting news to share, such as a promotion or buying a car, my family always advises me to consider the timing. They remind me to be mindful of my sister’s feelings, as she may be going through a difficult time, and they encourage me to be sensitive about flaunting my accomplishments.

It was the final straw when I informed them about my upcoming wedding and extended an invitation. My mom told me to be quiet and said, “You’re upsetting your sister, please be more considerate.” I was speechless and furious. It seems as though I am not a priority to them at all.”

What are your thoughts on navigating such situations? If you have any advice or similar experiences, we invite you to share them with us and help the woman to live through this difficult season of her life.

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