Aww Overload: Fawns Bombard Friendly Cat With Love and Kisses

This video is so incredibly cute, I’m not sure I can even handle it. If you’re feeling up to some serious heart-melting moments, you’ve got to check out these fawns doting on a sweet cat.

Not every feline has the patience for attention from other animals, especially considering how moody cats can be at times.

But this calico cat isn’t fazed by the affectionate licks and snuggles from the fawns.

In fact, she seems quite content with all the attention and kisses, especially since she doesn’t have another cat around to groom her.

The result?

It looks like something straight out of a Disney movie! I honestly haven’t seen anything more adorable, aside from my own cats, of course.

One viewer of the clip even commented that calico cats seem to have a way of getting special treatment.

“Calicos have the whole world wrapped around their paws,” she wrote. And rightly so! Who could say no to this adorable kitty?

It’s worth mentioning that this isn’t just a random encounter. The cat and fawns live at the Texas Fawn and Friends rescue center.

Based in Poolville, Texas, this organization is dedicated to rescuing and rehabilitating injured or orphaned fawns in the area. What a fantastic mission!

To learn more about Texas Fawn and Friends, you can visit their website, where you can also donate or purchase items from their Amazon wishlist.

Supporting this fawn rescue is a great cause for many reasons — but those heartwarming videos of cross-species friendships are definitely a highlight. I’ll be keeping an eye out for more moments like this!

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