This young man had filed a lawsuit against his mother and got compensation of $20,000

As you may have heard or read, there are many strange people in the world. Today we’ll tell you about a peculiar individual. Jonathan Lee Riches is the subject of our discussion. He is known as the world’s most prolific litigator. This young man was the first to launch a lawsuit against his mother.

In the complaint, he stated that “his mother has not taken good care of him.” He also won this case and received a settlement of $20,000.00. After winning this lawsuit, the young man sued his buddy, maestro, neighbor, relatives, fiancée, police, judge, well-known corporations, and even George Bush. So far, the number of cases he has filed in various courts has approached 2600.

Jonathan Lee Riches’ name is included in the Guinness Book of World Records. You’ll be astonished to learn that Jonathan Lee Riches later launched a lawsuit against the Guinness Book of World Records. He explained why his private life was included in the book without his permission. In his previous cases, he has received about $8 million in damages and compensation.

After all of this, he was invited on a TV show and asked, “What is the reason that, despite your celebrity, you live alone and have no one to love you?” He burst out laughing and stood up from his seat in front of the television. Following that, the young man sued the TV station for defamation. He was later awarded $50,000 in compensation.

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