There is no deeper or purer love than that shared by a grandma and her grandkids. And the stronger it becomes as you move up the family tree.
Many individuals do not live to see their great-great-grandchildren, but Vivian Dahl did. She has not only seen her great-great-grandchildren. She does, however, have the unique experience of sharing her birthday with one of them!
Vivian Dahl recently celebrated her hundredth birthday! She never expected to share her great-great-granddaughter’s milestone birthday with another member of the family!
Eloise, Vivian’s great-great-granddaughter, was born precisely 99 years after she was.
Eloise, Vivian’s great-great-granddaughter, was born precisely 99 years after she was.
The couple had a 99-year age difference, but it didn’t stop them from celebrating together. On their special day, the gorgeous girls posed for photos together.
Eloise was excited when she sat on her great-great-grandmother’s lap. They formed a cute couple!
To commemorate this special occasion, the family threw them both a joint birthday party in Lake Crystal, Minnesota. Vivian Dahl, 100, has lived in Lake Crystal her entire life and has no plans to leave.
Vivian, like every other 100-year-old who lives to see such a momentous occasion, has some advice for those hoping to live a longer life.
Many people’s grandmothers said, “No smoking, no drinking, and no candy.” She hinted that the secret to her long life was a balanced diet devoid of smoking, drinking, or candy.
So there you have it! The key to living a long life.
This is such a touching story! How many people get to share their birthdays with their great-great-grandchildren, much alone rejoice alongside them? This story encourages us to treasure our elders and celebrate with them for as long as we are fortunate to have them in our lives.
We want to wish Vivian Dahl and Eloise a very happy birthday. Share this sweet story with your friends and family to brighten their day!