A woman and her adorable little girl had a very private and special moment early in November 2021. Then she decided to publish it online for everyone to see. A mother named Christina Pax uploaded a little video of herself engaging with her daughter to TikTok on November 1, 2021. This might have seemed like a fairly ordinary day for most parents, but for the couple it was especially significant because it was the first time Pax’s daughter had ever heard their voices.
Riley is deaf, but she was finally able to hear Pax’s voice thanks to a useful tool—hearing aids. The device allowed the small girl to hear new sounds, including her own mother’s voice. It was a very tender and beautiful moment for both the mother and the daughter as they sat together. In addition to being able to relive her own experience with her child, Pax posted the video for an important purpose.
Pax was initially hesitant to broadcast the footage of the touching moment, but she eventually agreed to do so in order to advocate for the deaf community and create awareness about what it’s like to raise a deaf child. She also wanted to elaborate on her perspective on hearing aids.
People from all around the world have subsequently been moved by the baby’s emotional response after discovering the brief video and admiring the lovely interaction between the mother and daughter.
According to her TikTok bio, Pax is a mother who is now learning American sign language and advocating for deaf awareness. On November 1st, 2021, Pax posted a heartwarming TikTok video with her deaf daughter Riley. The mother shared the video along with a disclaimer that detailed her initial reluctance to do so and what ultimately persuaded her to do so.
Pax explained: “Before deciding against it, I debated uploading this video of my deaf child hearing my voice for the first time. For those who are deaf, hearing aids are not some sort of “magical solution.” Deaf people don’t need to be fixed. They only provide access to sound. But this was a pretty special moment for us.
The Mayo Clinic claims that there are several hearing aid varieties with various functionalities, some of which aid in hearing voices and others of which aid in reading lips. Pax talked to her daughter, who was seen in the video wearing hearing aids, in a kind manner. The baby displayed an emotional response throughout the video, smiling, crying, and laughing as she was obviously moved by hearing her mother’s voice.
Since then, the TikTok video has received over a million views and numerous supportive comments. One commenter said that she is “so in love” with the voice she has known her entire life. Another person said, “Oh my my, this made me cry.” What a special, wonderful moment.
A third TikTok user said, “OMG the intensity manner she’s taking everything in and soaking you in.” She experiences joy as well as tiredness. It’s obvious that a lot of people who saw the small video had the same feelings as Pax and her kid did while they were filming it.
View the heartfelt video here: