A heartwarming video surfaced recently, featuring Tate Hegstrom from Grand Junction, Colorado, showcasing his musical talents alongside his beloved husky. The duo beautifully performed the timeless classic ‘Lean On Me’.
He works as an administrative resident at HealthONE in Denver.
However, when he returns home in the evening, he discovers comfort in the company of his loved ones and his charming husky, Kovu.
In this brief video, we witness Tate’s heartfelt performance as he sings and plays the guitar to the timeless melody of «Lean on Me,» a beloved song by Bill Withers. However, it’s not just Tate’s voice that captivates everyone’s heart; it’s Kovu’s irresistibly cute canine companion!
While Tate sings, Kovu lets out a powerful howl, showcasing the signature sound that huskies are known for.
Kovu’s soulful «aroos» quickly became an internet sensation! Once the video made its way onto popular shows like «Good Morning America» and «Inside Edition,» it gained incredible momentum!
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