I often hear that after a divorce, people start trash-talking each other. It’s not surprising, considering that if there weren’t any grievances, there wouldn’t be divorces. However, one woman decided to remember only the good moments after her divorce, which she expressed in a letter.
«My dear, I have always been honest with you, standing by your side through joy and sorrow. We spent these 15 years together, filled with emotions. Now that I’m free, I want to thank you for everything you gave me in this life.
You taught me how to fight and handle the challenges that came my way without unnecessary stress. I always tried to handle everything on my own to spare you the worry.
Thanks to you, I can now give injections. You remember how you used to faint at the sight of a syringe? I found the strength and courage to do it myself.
You helped me become a jack-of-all-trades. Now, I can handle any repairs. Tightening a cabinet door is no problem! Unclogging pipes takes just 10 minutes. You’d come home tired and forget about those chores. Now, I’m friends with tools like screwdrivers and hammers. After that experience, I’m no longer afraid of being on my own.
I’ve become a versatile woman. I learned how to smooth over conflicts with our homeowners’ association, pay fines, and write explanation letters. By the way, remember how I learned to drive? When you lost your license, I had to quickly master it so I could pick you up from parties when you weren’t quite sober.
I’m happy with my body because you kept me active: carrying groceries home, digging up the garden at the lake house because your toe hurt and you absolutely refused to get off the couch.
Thanks to you, I became a professional in more than one field because I had to earn money to support our family.
And lastly, I’m grateful to you for leaving me, tired of feeling like I didn’t understand you. You walked out, slamming the door, and you probably didn’t notice my sigh of relief.
Thank you for everything!”