Widow Notices A ‘Dirty Piece Of Bent Metal’ In The Yard And Moves Closer To Examine It

When a widow, Ann Kendrick, finds a wedding ring thirty-five years later, it’s a story of love from beyond the grave!

This 90-year-old widow was gardening near her late husband’s apple tree when she saw something in the soil. She picked it up and prepared to throw it out, assuming it was simply a bit of metal. But then she remembered the time her husband had misplaced his wedding ring. When he discovered it wasn’t on his finger anymore, he was gardening.

«It didn’t appear like a wedding ring at all,» Ann explained. «It appeared to be a filthy hunk of bent metal. ‘No, that couldn’t be,’ I thought as I stared at it. I was really quite excited. I got a little choked up while telling a buddy about it.»

Ann had entirely forgotten about the wedding band discovered by the widow because it had been buried in the soil for so long. However, cleaning the ring brought a smile to her face because it represented all of the years she had been married to her husband Peter before he died.

He would have been as astonished as she was to find it because he was often losing stuff, she laughed. Ann’s son Bob was taken aback when he learned of the revelation.

«, he explained «Mum was overcome with emotion and joy. It wasn’t the first time he’d misplaced something; he had a habit of misplacing everything.»

grave. Even though Peter died twenty-two years ago, Ann’s wedding ring is a unique method for the widow to keep her husband close to her at all times.

She intends to clean up the ring and have it repaired because it is badly bent. Ann will then wear it as a necklace on a chain to keep her late husband near to her heart. What a lovely method to convey affection that has stood the test of time.

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