When his favorite song started playing, he took his mother’s hand in his, and now you can watch the dance that took the internet by storm.

Most of us will experience sleep issues at some point in our lives, but what matters most is how we deal with them. If everything is much more complicated, some people read, listen to music, and take special pills.

A mother and her son, on the other hand, chose a much better and more effective way to overcome insomnia, and millions of people are pleased with it.

Lance began dancing with his mother, Lucy, as soon as he could walk. He definitely expressed his passion for dance through music.

So when Lucy complained about being tired one night, Lance knew exactly what to do to help her sleep.

Lance was ready to grab his sweet mother and start dancing with her when Meghan Trainor’s “Dear Husband” son began dancing.

The two danced beautifully, and Lance’s daughter clapped from the sidelines as the rest of the family photographed the sweet and memorable moment.

They not only dance beautifully, but their facial expressions are hilarious.

Lucy turned to the camera halfway through the song and said, “That’s what happened to people who couldn’t sleep in Louisiana.”

Within minutes of its release on the Internet, the video had been viewed millions of times and shared by tens of thousands of people who had fallen in love with the mother-and-son dance. Lucy clearly enjoys dancing with her son, and Lance is thrilled to be working with him.

Lucy says something at the end of the dance that causes the entire family to burst out laughing, and Lance ends up on the floor because he couldn’t stop laughing. These two have a lot of fun together!

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