Father did everything he could to ensure that his son was not shy…

When Derek Prue Sr., a Canadian resident, noticed his child was hesitant to shoot a t-shirt in the pool, he made the brave and loving decision to support his son, Derek Jr. Derek Prue Sr. a Canadian citizen.

He noticed that his child had begun to hide his birthmark, which he was proud of, and he wanted to show his son that he was not alone in feeling this way.

Dad chose to have the same design tattooed on his own body to help his son feel less self-conscious about his birthmark.

The father went to Juicy Quill Tattoo expecting the tattoo session to last a few hours; however, the tattoo took a total of thirty hours to complete, with the initial session accounting for roughly four hours of that total.

Derek Sr. was determined to show his son that he was not alone and that he was proud of his birthmark, even if it meant causing him pain and taking a long time.

Derek Sr. removed his t-shirt when he and his family returned to the pool to show his son the tattoo he had gotten, which was an exact replica of his son’s birthmark.

When he saw that his father had done this for him, the youngster couldn’t believe it and couldn’t contain his joy.

The youngster also decided to take off his t-shirt in order to compare his birthmark to his father’s tattoo. As a result, he felt much more confident and no longer felt self-conscious about his birthmark.

Derek Jr. now has higher self-esteem and is less self-conscious about his birthmark as a result of his father’s mockery in the tattoo parlor. The ordeal had been well worth it.

The father’s unconditional love and support have played a significant role in raising the son’s sense of self-esteem and self-worth.

This is a powerful example of a father’s love for his child and the lengths he will go to ensure his child’s health and happiness.

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