Hand in glove. After 70 years of marriage, the pair died on the same day.

This poignant photograph was shot in a place where the elderly couple was able to briefly reunite after several weeks apart.

Their narrative is no less moving. Margaret and Derek Firth met when they were 14 years old and fell in love. Of course, none of the adults believed the two schoolchildren’s feelings were serious.

The teenagers, however, grew up, yet their feelings stayed the same. Margaret and Derek married as adults. Margaret spent the majority of her life at school, while Derek worked as a butcher.

The couple got along great. They have five children, 11 grandchildren, and four great-grandchildren.

Margaret and Derek celebrated their 91st wedding anniversary last year.

In January of this year, two elderly spouses were admitted to the hospital with suspected coronavirus infection…

Margaret and Derek were at different centers for the first few weeks, but they were quite homesick because the pair had never been separated for an extended period of time.

They were finally allowed to see each other by the doctors.

It was at this moment that their daughter took this incredibly moving photo.

Unfortunately, Derek quickly got worse and a few days later the man passed away.

Margaret seemed to be on the mend, but she seemed to feel that her beloved husband was no more.

Literally a few hours later, the woman also passed away …

The spouses who had lived together for more than 70 years and couldn’t live parted left together on the same day.

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