Military Mom creates incredible surprises for her teacher-daughter at school!!!

Military reunion films are usually surprising, followed by an outpouring of emotion that can soften even the hardest of hearts. Now, a first-grade teacher experiences the shock of her life when her military mother pays an unannounced visit, leaving the entire class speechless.

The elementary school teacher in the video looks directly at the woman in military gear approaching the classroom and instantly drops her disguise to see who it is.

Samantha Norris was taken aback when she saw her mother, an Army sergeant, enter her classroom.

Her kids instantly recognized what was going on, with many remarking, “That’s her mom” when the mother and daughter cuddled in the video.

“He always has surprises, but this one I didn’t expect at all,” Samantha added.

Samantha’s mother returned to class after a year-long deployment to Iraq; we are grateful for these two ladies, one educating America’s future and the other safeguarding us all.

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