Little Baby Trying To Stay Awake Earns Millions Of Views

This little guy really made my day! So cute. It’s funny how kids do everything they can to avoid sleep, as if they’re missing out on playtime. Fast forward to adulthood, and we’d give anything to catch up on sleep—I know I would.

That’s exactly what’s happening with Leo. His mom, Lisa Jones, shared a video of him trying his hardest to stay awake. He’s sitting in his car seat, facing his mom and the camera, flashing her a little smile, but his sleepy eyes are giving him away.

Isn’t he a handsome little guy?

You can see his eyelids drooping, but every time they’re about to shut, Leo perks up and gives his mom a cheeky grin, as if to show her how tough he is.

A viewer named Selin commented, “I always come back to this video because he’s the cutest baby ever. That smile melts my heart!”

Leo doesn’t just do this once or twice. He’s fighting sleep for as long as he can! One day, he might regret it… Eventually, he’s out in three… two… one… Nope! This kid has his mom wrapped around his little finger. His antics have earned him over 8.5 million views just by resisting sleep.

As adults, we’d fall asleep the second we had a chance. Funny how we all regret not sleeping more as kids, and now it’s something we struggle with.

Another viewer commented, “I have four kids and have never seen a baby fight sleep so sweetly. Adorable!”

Leo has that charming smile, and he’s definitely going to be a heartbreaker. You can see his playful side when he starts to close his eyes, only to pop them open again, as if to say, “Just kidding, I’m still awake!”

He’s caught between the pull of his dreamland and wanting to stay awake with his mom. Lisa is laughing, but every mom knows the frustration of trying to get a child to sleep when they simply refuse to.

Leo’s got everyone charmed.

Lisa whispers “I love you” to him as he starts to drift off, but Leo’s not done yet—he lifts his head, opens his eyes, and flashes another smile. What a cutie!

While many kids fight sleep with tears and frustration, Leo’s approach is different. Only he knows why he’s resisting sleep, but whatever the reason, everyone is loving it.

Check out his adorable battle with sleep in the video below! Don’t forget to share this with your friends and family.

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