Hawn, 76, was photographed wearing a bikini while on vacation with her husband.
G. Hawn and K. Russell have been married for a long time and are completely pleased and inseparable.
However, they are not married, and their passports do not require any stamps. The star is already 76 years old, which may surprise some.
The excellent American actress takes this appearance when she is convinced that no one is seeing her.
The renowned film star’s most recent Christmas photos sparked outrage and made it impossible for anyone to remain unmoved.
Here are a few remarks from internet users. Envy silently!
She looks great for her age, enjoy your life without making others feel bad about their appearance, and I will always love this couple.
Many people noticed that as she grew older, she lost her flexibility. «My eyes are incredible. Is this really her? “How heartbreaking to see our idol aging,” says one, “sagging skin and wrinkled face!”